Use the form below to submit a request for your email address to be added to Alan's List (or, conversely, to be removed from Alan's List)
In order to provide a mailing-list service that is not automatically deleted by junk email filters, your email address will be added to a "listserver" that is managed by the web services company DreamHost; this is the web services company that hosts the domain alanbranford.net
You MUST add the domains dreamhost.com and alanbranford.net to your email handler's Safe Senders / Trusted Senders / Whitelist, as your own particular email server may still nonetheless regard messages, that are related to this service, as junk email Note that the junk email filters that could intercept your messages do not necessarily put them in your Junk Email / Spam folder. They may simply disappear into the ether! |
For a primer on Safe Senders / Trusted Senders / Whitelist and explicit instructions for a number of common email servers, click here; a new tab or window will open with the primer and instructions
Now you are ready to submit a request to subscribe to this mailing list. Please fill in the form below You will be sent an email, to the email address you supply in the form, containing a confirmation link. This email will come from the sender donotreply@dreamhost.com |