CONFIDENTIAL to Fellowcrafts A homily first given by the W.M., W. Bro. Alan Branford, in a Fellowcrafts' Lodge at the meeting of Prince Alfred Collegians' Lodge No. 51 on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 Homily: Reflections on the Second Degree by W. Bro. Alan Branford (© 1 December 2014) In the Second Degree we are taught to measure our own conduct against the standards that the Grand Geometrician has laid down. "… (T)he square teaches morality; the level, equality; and the plumb-rule, justness and uprightness of life and action. Thus, by square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions, we hope to ascend to those eternal mansions whence all goodness emanates." As we close the Fellowcrafts' Lodge, the Chaplain will remind us of the Grand Geometrician's omniscience, and I urge you to give these words your serious contemplation. "Then, brethren, let us remember that wherever we are and whatever we do, He is always with us and His all-seeing eye beholds us, and so long as we act in conformity with the Principles of the Craft we shall not fail to discharge our duty towards Him with fervency and zeal." Finally, I draw your attention to the last words in this degree; they are uttered by the Junior Warden and leave us with a nugget of wisdom to take away in our hearts. "Happy have we met, happy may we part, and happy meet again."
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Copyright © Alan John Branford
Last Update: 11 May, 2016