Applied Probability and Statistics
Hoa Pham and Alan Branford (2016), “Exploring Parameter Relations for Multi-Stage Models in Stage-Wise Constant and Time Dependent Hazard Rates”, Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 58(3), 357-376 [doi: 10.1111/anzs.12164]
van Ruth, P.D., Qin, J.G., and Branford, A.J. (2012), “Size dependent competition in centric diatoms as a function of nitrogen and silicon availability”, Open Journal of Marine Science, 2, 33-42
Kuhn, J., Warren, A., Maletta, D., and Branford, A.J. (2011), “Local grade inflation and local proportion of withdrawals”, Research in Higher Education Journal, 14, 66-98
Codd, J.R., Sanderson, K.J., and Branford, A.J. (2003), “Roosting activity budget of the southern bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii)”, Australian Journal of Zoology 51, 307–316
Brown, S.F., Branford, A.J., and Moran, W. (1997), “On the use of artificial neural networks for the analysis of survival data”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 8, 1071–7
Branford, A.J. (1986), “On a property of finite-state birth and death processes”, Journal of Applied Probability 23, 859–866
Branford, A.J. (1985), “A self-excited migration process”, Journal of Applied Probability 22, 58–67
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Lee, G.N., and Branford, A.J. (2009), “Bias in radiologic studies: a review”, 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Program, Radiological Society of North America, 1082-1082
Branford, A.J. (2001), “Statistics Computing Laboratory”, in Computer Based Learning in Science, ed. Chapman, G.M. (Ostrava, Czech Republic: Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava) ISBN 80-7042-180-0
Branford, A.J. (1985), “The self-excited single-server queue – a piecewise-deterministic approximation”, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research
Book Reviews
Branford, A.J. (1998), Review of Golden, Richard M., Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design (MIT, 1996) in Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, 404
Commissioned Reports
Branford, A.J. (1990), “A report on computerised Keno draws”, commissioned by the Lotteries Commission of SA
Unrefereed Conference Papers
Pham, H.T.T., Nur, D. and Branford, A.J. (2017), “The Joint Models For Nonlinear Longitudinal And Time-To-Event Data Using Penalized Splines: A Bayesian Approach”, New Zealand Statistical Association and the International Association of Statistical Computing (Asian Regional Section) Joint Conference 2017, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2017
Nur, D., Huong, P.T.T. and Branford, A.J. (2016), “Penalized spline joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data”, The 2016 International Conference on Mathematics: Education, Theory & Application (ICMETA), UNS, Solo, Indonesia, December 2016
Huong, P.T.T., Nur, D. and Branford, A.J. (2016), “An improved two-stage approach for joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data”, Joint NZSA and ORSNZ Conference 2016, Auckland University of Technology, November 2016