To Alan's Website

Wedding Couple in St Leonard's Chapel
Alan John Branford and Hoai Nam Duong
The Wedding
Saturday, 15 June 2019

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On Saturday, 15 June 2019,
Alan John BRANFORD and Hoai Nam DUONG
were married in a Service of Holy Matrimony at
St Andrews by the Sea Uniting Church, Glenelg, South Australia,
solemnised by Reverend Esmond DOWDY.
The marriage was proclaimed according to the Laws of Australia and
the Rites of the Uniting Church.
St Andrews by the Sea UC
St Andrews by the Sea Logo
The Service was followed by a
Reception and Wedding Banquet
in the Crystal Room of the
Stamford Plaza Adelaide
Dramatis personae
Announcement in the Prince Alfred College Alumni Magazine (pdf document (473KB) )

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Wedding Photographs
Official Photographer: Steve Cordes from Gainsborough Studio
The link above opens a new window or tab in your web browser and takes you to a folder called "Alan - Nam - Wedding Photographs" within Alan's Google Drive cloud storage account. The folder contains a (sub) folder called "Official Photographs", the icon for which you will be able to see.
Other folders, whose names will be the names of guests at the Wedding, may be present as well. These folders will contain photographs taken by the named guests and for which these guests have given permission to be shared.
The actual link that you followed to get you to this point is
and may be freely passed on to other parties who are interested in viewing and copying the Wedding photographs.
Open the "Official Photographs" folder by double-clicking on its icon. You will find that it contains two (sub) folders, "High Resolution" and "Low Resolution".
The high resolution versions of the official photographs are 4928×3280 pixels, with a resolution of 300dpi. Each photograph is a jpg image file of size from about 10MB to 15MB. The total size of all 273 photographs is 2.77GB. This resolution is really only necessary for the production of large prints, say a print to frame and hang on a wall. It is suggested that you only download those particular photographs that you require for this purpose. The Official Photographer, Steve Cordes from Gainsborough Studio, can assist you with photograph cropping and touch-up, printing services, framing options etc.
The low resolution versions of the official photographs are 1728×1150 pixels, with a resolution of 72dpi. Each photograph is a jpg image file of size from about 1MB to 2MB. The total size of all 273 photographs is 358MB. This resolution is appropriate for viewing on television screens, computer screens, tablets and smartphones, and for use in web sites. At only 358MB total, you may wish to download the entire collection in one fell swoop and then browse the individual photographs at your leisure.
Access to the individual photographs is via double-clicking on the "High Resolution" icon or the "Low Resolution" icon, as required. The exact mechanism for downloading the photograph files should be reasonably obvious but does depend on the web browser you are using and your own computer settings. If you have a problem, then find a pre-pubescent child to help you.  

Top of page | The Announcement | Wedding Photographs | Gifts and Donations | The Marriage Service Liturgy | The Wedding Banquet Menu

Gifts and Donations
Thank you to those invitees who gave gifts to the Wedding Couple. We shall email each of you individually with our thanks. Likewise, to those people who sent congratulatory cards.
Many invitees took up our option of making a charitable donation in lieu of giving a wedding gift. The Wedding Couple are delighted to announce that in excess of $5,800 was pledged to charities from across a wide spectrum, such as community welfare, overseas aid, medical research and animal welfare. As donation pledges were anonymous, the Wedding Couple say here, "THANK YOU".

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The Marriage Service Liturgy
The Marriage Service Liturgy
        Download as a pdf file (335KB) by clicking here
Preaching of the Word
        Sermon for Alan and Nam by Reverend Esmond Dowdy

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The Wedding Banquet Menu
The Wedding Banquet Menu  

Top of page | The Announcement | Wedding Photographs | Gifts and Donations | The Marriage Service Liturgy | The Wedding Banquet Menu

To Alan's Website

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to present, as accurately as possible, all the information presented via this site at the time of publication. However, no guarantees are implied nor any liability accepted with respect to its correctness when it is read.
Copyright Notice: Every effort has been made to use material subject to copyright only with the permission of the copyright holder.  Any infringement of copyright is therefore unintentional and will be corrected by notifying the webmaster.
Copyright © Alan John Branford
Last Update: 23 April 2021