Picture of Alan Branford
Alan John Branford
Essays and Lectures

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(reverse chronological order)

Reflections on Psalm 121
Reflections on Psalm 121 - an article published in the booklet "Psalms - Reflections for Lent" by Henley Fulham Uniting Church 2022
Click here for a pdf version (89KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2022 Alan John Branford

Cross, Anchor, Heart
Living God's Will - a short video presentation
A video introduction to a discussion group session during a Service at Henley Fulham Uniting Church on Sunday, 16th January 2022. The epistolary reading was 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and the Discussion Session focussed on verse 13, where agape (Christian love) is proclaimed the greatest of the three beatific virtues: faith, hope and love (agape)
Click here for a YouTube video (5:20 minutes)
Copyright © 2022 Alan John Branford

A Tangled Tree
A Tangled Tree - an essay
Click here for a pdf version (130KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2021 & 2024 Alan John Branford

Mary and the Divine Deception
Mary and the Divine Deception - an essay
Click here for a pdf version (113KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2021 Alan John Branford

Breakout Creek
Caring for God's Creation - a short video presentation
The Service at Henley Fulham Uniting Church on Sunday, 17th October 2021, was "Cafe Church" at The Temple Worship Centre (Henley Beach). The Service is held cabaret-style in the Church Hall and is much more informal than usual. The theme was "Caring for God's Creation", in which parishioners were invited to talk about how the local environment had changed, and in what ways they as individuals could help care for the area. Both Henley and Fulham are central to the area known to the Kaurna First Peoples as Witongga, the Reed Beds. A four-minute edit of my video was played to seed the discussion.
Click here for a YouTube video (8:16 minutes)
Copyright © 2021 Alan John Branford

Jesus Walking on the Water
The Solipsist's Guide To Miracles - a short talk
Click here for a pdf version (480KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2021 Alan John Branford

Inscribed Equilateral Triangle - a tutorial
Copyright © May 2021 Alan John Branford

God is Gracious
The Word Became Flesh – The Gospel of John, Chapter 1: Nativity Postponed - a short talk
Click here for a pdf version (209KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2018 Alan John Branford

Contemplative Christianity
Contemplative Christianity - a short talk
Click here for a pdf version (175KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2018 Alan John Branford

Faith in the Age of Science
Faith in the Age of Science – a short talk
Click here for a pdf version (42KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2018 Alan John Branford

Cross-Anchor-Heart Composite Symbol
Charity in its Most Ample Sense – An Exploration of the Meaning of Charity - a lecture
Click here for a pdf version (554KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2017 Alan John Branford

Eros Symbol
Eros – What's Love Got To Do With It? - a discussion paper
Click here for a pdf version (200KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2017 Alan John Branford

Valedictory Lecture Icon
My View From The Ruins of The Ivory Tower – Valedictory Address, Flinders University
Associate Professor Alan Branford retired due to a medical incapacity on Friday, 25 November, 2016, after 33 years lecturing in Mathematics and Statistics at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, one year as a Temporary Lecturer and 32 years on the full-time academic staff. On Tuesday, 13 December, 2016, he delivered a Valedictory Address in the "Flinders at Tonsley" Building
Click here for a YouTube video (33:36 minutes) or here for a transcript
Copyright © 2016 Alan John Branford

Leonard Cohen
So Stand Me By That Column That May Take This Temple Down – a personal tribute to Leonard Cohen (1934 – 2016)
Click here for a pdf version (298KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2016 Alan John Branford

Marriage Equality Picture
Blokes, Sheilas and Perverts – Marriage Equality in Australia - an essay
Click here for a pdf version (196KB pdf document)
Copyright © 2016 Alan John Branford

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Copyright © Alan John Branford
Last Update: 29 March 2023